Ocean Planet
Wet World -
September 2004
Page 06

A Few Great DVD's to Get You Ready for the Summer

    So over the winter you may have pretty much drained the video talent at the local video shoppe. Perhaps you maybe feel a little rusty on your techniques, or if you are like me, you simply can't get enough kayaking!

    Well here are a few of Wayne's picks to stimulate you to peak performance, in your kayak that is!

    In the Surf ............ well, is about surfing and there is some great kayak surfing here!

    This instructional video is targeted at sea kayakers, whitewater kayakers, and surfers: No matter what their paddling background, we will show how to play the ocean swells in a kayak.

    Learn about the specialized boat designs, advantages and limitations. Learn about the dynamic ocean environment including wave evaluation and selection, and rudder techniques.

    Manoeuvres in the green, and in the whitewater are explained and demonstrated. Includes exclusive interview with famed American big wave surfer Richard Schmidt on surf zone etiquette.

    And the price - $49.95.

    About the price of a couple large supreme pizzas and several beers, which you will also have to buy to watch the DVD, so plan your budget accordingly.

So if you want this DVD, click here and we'll get you watching it!

AND ...........................

    The Kayak Roll ............ that sometime elusive technique that is such a great asset to have when you are bouncing along on your head, in the surf, upside down!

    Winner, Best Instructional Video 2002 at the National Paddling Film Festival in the US. Another Kent Ford Performance Video production well worth getting.

    The Kayak Roll demonstrates and explains a smooth and effortless roll. Crystal clear underwater footage, animation, and explanations make this a video you don't want to miss! Designed for every skill level, beginner to teacher.

    This two part video presents a step by step learning progression enabling you to learn an effortless roll from scratch. The diagnostic section offers solutions to help you tune-up or teach that laboured roll.

    Every paddler will enjoy it, whether they are beginner struggling to learn, an intermediate seeking to improve, or an advanced boater learning to teach a buddy. For whitewater and sea kayakers.

    And the price - $54.95

    How is that? Even better, you will have to order even more pizza and beer to eat while you watch it.

So if you want this DVD, click here and we'll get you watching it!

AND ...........................

    Performance Sea Kayaking ....... The Basics and Beyond.

    An entertaining look at the basics of kayak touring. Hot paddling technique, rescues and basic seamanship skills are demonstrated and explained.

    An American production, like the previous DVD's, great scenery featuring the Channel Islands, Apostle Islands, big surf, inland lakes and many of the top instructors in the field! This instructional video is targeted at sea kayakers and surfers: No matter your paddling background, it will show how to play the ocean swells in a kayak.

    Learn about the specialised boat designs, advantages and limitations. Learn about the dynamic ocean environment, including wave evaluation and selection, and rudder techniques.

    And the price - $49.95.

So if you want this DVD, click here and we'll get you watching it!

Read about The Ocean Planet/Woy Woy Rotary Club Oyster Festival Kayak Race!!
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